Friday, August 24, 2007


I think I would like this house
if there were fifty people living here
as is suggested by the bicycles
and the toothbrushes.

What do you think?
No means no,
Yes means no,
Silence means yes.

When did we finally sleep?
And thank you for the eggs,
and thank you for the crickets,
and thank you for allowing me
to persuade you
to sleep right here.

I don't sleep well
in strange houses
after the storyline
of the terrifying,
unavoidable reality
of shape shifting visions.

And why do I always feel
like the thing I do or
the thing I say around you
is something I have experienced before?

I wish I would sleep more
but failure in breathing
prevents such delusions.

This house smells like my father.
Chirping, smoking, spinning, sweating,
drinking, laughing, hurting, cooking, Father.


Erin Karcher said...

I smell a secret. This is a beautiful piece, exactly what I needed to read while being in the midst of this INCREDIBLE nerdity. Its beautiful here, I wrote some new pieces last night (thought none are about Tetris or anything actually nerdy).

Thank you for reminding me not to lose my poet's soul in this technological revolution.

Agent Jellie said...

Before I even noticed this comment I was about to write to you:

Erin, somethimes I feel that you are the only one who truly understands my writing. Thank you so much.

After reading this, you have only backed my former thought with more evidenciary support.

Thank you.