Monday, August 13, 2007


I murdered you last night
you infuriated me
frustrated me
and so I broke your neck.

An act committed with intent
committed without purpose-
can it be called an accident?
I survive within heavy regret.

Your death was slow and painful.
You- attempting to stand
repeating failing efforts
to follow me, pleading- save me.

I don't know how to mend you
only harm you, break you
I yearn for the powers to undo
as I witness you slipping away.

I scream for you, feel ravaging guilt
I want you back.
I didn't get down and snap your spine-
I am more controlled than that.

I grieve your departure.

I waken, hazy bright
forgetting events of the former night.
Come down and see you-
my actions flash flood over me.

I cannot stand, cannot think,
with your bright sad eye stare
so innocent and unaware
the danger that lies within my palms.

I cannot touch you, cannot love you,
my nightly visions warning me
vivid flashbacks haunting me
I will never harm you again.

1 comment:

Erin Karcher said...

Oh, how tragic.

I think I've done that before... such talent, Jessie my darling....