Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Peninsula.

And now
I am wonderment
and decision.

Right now
I am finalized.

I am longing for
but the city
I miss
what I've always known
as home

the beaches
made of stone
too frigid for swimming
and swimming
without reason
just the same.

I want
the peninsula 
the chill
of evergreens
with a slow drawl
and sun-baked
pine needles
in dust

feeding apples
to the misty morning
deer grazing the bluff

above the cliffs

above the sound

above the fire and

under the stars.

I want to be kissed
by a boy
who is simple and sweet
who dreams of music
and the road.
With sand-colored hair
and soft skin.

I want the dust
of the country
the U.S. west
where voices
mimic birds
and skies go on

I want my family
the arms of my mother
when I cross reckless
past borders and states
o'er rivers and peaks
through the frame of her door
and back
into her home.


Erin Karcher said...

I want the dust of the country


Agent Jellie said...