Saturday, May 9, 2009


The sun sneaks up 
over the mountain
I wake 
to think only of you
with heavy eyes
laden with 
fleeting dreams

I bring them half-open
fill them with pink-and-green petals
with sunlit slats permitting 
just enough
from the places I've been
in the beat of my
rapid eyes and
sweet dream sweat
wet on neck
down the shoulders

I am here with
the waking morning
almost silent but
a quiet tick-tick
and there:
the city's first living:
a barking
a birding
a rooster saluting
broken only
by the pass of a distant
solitary engine
and then

The countryside
marked by
the early hour
by simple living
by shepherds leading
low bells to echo
mountain to mountain
valley to valley
sky to the sea
and back
to the necks 
of the sheep.

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