Monday, December 17, 2012

December 14, 2012

Dear Psycho,

You are unspeakable.
But please, let me try.
Despicable, indigestible, monster.

Your demons took the lives of angels.
If anyone believes there isn't a holy war going on
Now you've proven them wrong.

You are flesh walking
under the crown of Satan.
You monster.

And a coward -
such a perfect snake you were
that now we can't even cry justice on your back.

We have nothing.

You devoured our pure and perfect children
and left us with no one to hang.

I ache for your family.
I ache for your victims.
I ache for our country - you monster!

My children unborn are crying
our nation's heart is breaking
for the lives you stole from their futures.

I am faced - not with an incapacitating wall
of overwhelming
but with a vengeance with which to fight.

I will love more fiercely.
I will care more deeply
and I will prove to you that goodness is not dead!

And your gut-wrenching evil
cannot win this battle.
Good will overcome.

Because God is love
and love will destroy you in the end!

We spit in your grave tonight Devil
because LOVE will destroy you
in the end.

This is a promise.
From a daughter of God.
From a daughter of love.
This is a promise!

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