Monday, December 31, 2012

Our kids.

I will teach my children to fall asleep to anything.
They will eat apricots on salsa bread
And share their lullaby stories with me.

I will kiss their eyes
with the butterfly mouth of motherhood
and shield them from hip hop reality.

I want to make your children.
They will be lost boys
crossed with sewer turtle vigilantes.

You will never be more proud
than when we teach them to run.
Our kids will run to the moon.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Our full-sized bed

1. Please don't speak for three minutes
2. Thank you, just put them right there
3. I'm overwhelmed and we've not even started
4. If we had more time, I'd love you right
5. Our next minute alone is January 3rd?
6. I'd like to love you right now
7. I'm Mrs. - You're Mr. - Let's do this
8. Tomorrow, I'll need you to pick me up
9. Thanks for changing over the laundry
10. Darling, could you turn off the light?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Your bad day.

My teeth crunch with strawberry frost.
I want to cry dark purple
I want to cry the color of air just before it snows
Because nothing is right in my winter
when something's wrong with you.

I ache for snow
but those flakes melt miles above me
and all I have is rain

Can't we ever break
from weeks and weeks of rain?
It's in my eyes now - that rain

I ache for snow.
It creeps my veins now - that snow
my hair gets lighter
the backs of my hands change to blue.

The snow fills my bones
and I can't get warm at night.
Under piles of blanket all I get is rain
I sweat rain all night through but
snow still floats my blood.
I can't get rid of it.

Because my sky tints green with violet clouds
When something is wrong with you.

I can smile December sunsets
electric in their fleeting light
and still the snow will never fall.
That snow will never come.

Because snow makes us clean, dear
and we're still dripping
with muddy pines and rising King Tides.

I'm drowning under
and it just keeps coming - that rain
Your streams become my grave
Your song salutes my freezing heart
'cause I'm still full of mountain song

My avalanche just shivers when you pass
'Cause nothing's right with the frost, dear
when there's something wrong with you.

And it just keeps on raining - that rain!
I'm chained to the earth by it
My blizzard soul is buried
in the very flood of you.

How can I swim
when I don't even know
up in your downpour?

You are dripping moss and breaking boughs
laden with water
as that rain keeps falling and falling - that rain

'Cause nothing is right in my winter
when there's something wrong with you!

As the solstice falls dark to night
I present you with my crystal heart
Pop apart my button flannel
to reveal lungs full of snow
and a heart grown still with winter.

You pry between icicle ribs
and carve a tiny shape behind my breathing -

You are my heart.
Your raindrop silhouette
carved into my spine
is why nothing is right in my world, dear
when there's something wrong with you.

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 14, 2012

Dear Psycho,

You are unspeakable.
But please, let me try.
Despicable, indigestible, monster.

Your demons took the lives of angels.
If anyone believes there isn't a holy war going on
Now you've proven them wrong.

You are flesh walking
under the crown of Satan.
You monster.

And a coward -
such a perfect snake you were
that now we can't even cry justice on your back.

We have nothing.

You devoured our pure and perfect children
and left us with no one to hang.

I ache for your family.
I ache for your victims.
I ache for our country - you monster!

My children unborn are crying
our nation's heart is breaking
for the lives you stole from their futures.

I am faced - not with an incapacitating wall
of overwhelming
but with a vengeance with which to fight.

I will love more fiercely.
I will care more deeply
and I will prove to you that goodness is not dead!

And your gut-wrenching evil
cannot win this battle.
Good will overcome.

Because God is love
and love will destroy you in the end!

We spit in your grave tonight Devil
because LOVE will destroy you
in the end.

This is a promise.
From a daughter of God.
From a daughter of love.
This is a promise!

Big Tin Christmas

Big Tin Baby I've got all you want for Christmas!
Shout it from the breaking bands
I'm gonna bring you to your knees!

Big Tin Baby
don't you try to guess it
'cause this is your New Year's dream!

Shoot me full of novocaine
cause I'm too high on you
I'm pounding!

Big Tin Baby thrown it down
like thundering coin
on the dreams of subway beggar.

Baby break it down
like applesauce and
don't ask me what I got you cause -

it'll break you when you get it.
Get it?
I do.

I got dreams for you baby.
Big dreams indeed. Big Tin.
Big Tin dreams - indeed.