Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Midnight Movie Marathon

You know as well as I do
we are just sandalwood.
We drift in splintered shocks
split in millions by tender hands and
no one will carve us for good.

We are slivered icing
diamonds singing light on the sidewalk
the pavement freezing fast
holding us captive quick and
keeping us safe for the night
just the night

And we are snowflakes in mid-November
We are dreams on lashes black.
We are smoke at the edge of the park
and we are insanity
Didn't you know we were crazy?

Yet your nonsense is nothing compared
the scrape of slipped shoes on scorned pavement
of slipping screams and winter's creeping
and mortified moments of realization.
Dear God, what did I do?

Excuses made as the lobby turns-
filled with eyes and craning minds
reaching to peak a glimpse
at the guilty girl with greasy hands
Just look on, go on.
Just look.

And there is blood smeared across the screen.
And the whooping hollers cross the theater.
And heavy eyes are laden with more than just
what you wanted her to hear.

I saw you kissing in the street
I saw you kissing in the hall
And more than ever, more than ever
I saw in the dark rows with back-lit awe and

You can't deny that he's in love with you.
He's in love with you.
Girl you're in trouble 'cause
he's not the playing type.

Your yellow skirt and black lace dress
your breakfast jokes and cupcake mess
your promise to be and be and be
a challenge.

You're not giving anything up for free
though his sweetness is beginning to get to you
you trot on
in frozen rain that just might be

snowflakes in mid- November.


Erin Karcher said...

I saw in the dark rows with back-lit awe and


Your yellow skirt and black lace dress
your breakfast jokes and cupcake mess

...I wish this one was for me.

Agent Jellie said...

I wish you had been there.