Friday, October 10, 2008

This dress of cotton candy.

If I run away
to a place where
street lamps illuminate
a radiation
filling the night
with sugar white
and streaked past the nose
sweet on the cheek
of boys far too beautiful
of girls shining golden

If I run away
to gumdrops and sprinkles
and soda fizz-
injected through skin
filling my head
with rock star parties
drizzled thick in honey
I'll lick from your body
pulled slow down the razor
and kiss the blood from off your lips

If I run away
to candy sweet and purchased
in deep alleys and fishnets
to bruised hips
licorice eyes
and false lashes flashing
dusted by angels.
To speed-driven dance halls
and bodies pulsing
the sound of adrenaline.

If I run away
to crowd surfing riptides-
opiate spring baths-
eyes set in relapse
on moonlit electric
and midsummer's dancing.
My thoughts spun in sugar
pulling like taffy
on teeth long with craving
the ecstasy fix.

If I run away
to a place where
we'll swim in molasses
legs weighted with ginger
devouring the crumbles
we suck off the bathroom floor
to cut you with egg whites
fold in saccharine extract
and siphon our blood
to replace it with nectar.

If I run away


Erin Karcher said...

I love this. I wish I could wrap in candy and give it to my favorite mysteries at the shop.

Agent Jellie said...

Would you run with me?

Erin Karcher said...

I would run with you. And when we ran far enough to reach the sea, I would steal a boat for us.

salsa_estrella said...
