Saturday, April 5, 2008

He's always happy.

Pumpkin Ice Cream.
Fill my liver
another notch.
You know my seeds are
slow to grow.
But give them sunshine.
Summer sunshine.
Winter Fall Spring
Autumn sunshine.
To fill my heart with
apple moonshine.
But when you plant them
always know,
that pumpkin ice cream
and pies cook slow,
but taste delicious
like all your kisses
and fill the soil with apple wishes.
So plant my seeds
among the weeds
and watch them reach up
through the reeds.
To grasp for sunshine.
A wisp of sunshine.
A glint across
your Summer's sunshine.


HiredRose said...

<3 I love this.

"To fill my heart with
apple moonshine."

Erin Karcher said...

whoops, that was me. sorry. but becca loves it too.