Thursday, March 6, 2008

An excerpt.


But I am stubborn. I will wait with ice-cold feet for the sun to return and the warmth to be natural. I will remain here longer than I should with blind faith that this day will never end. The sun is such a tease and I am the ripest fool. But I can put off responsibility for one more hour. I got up early today.
Yes will start my car and let it run. I will settle for artificial heat and an imagination that makes it okay. I will ignore my roommates, my duties, for just a little bit longer. Who knows, perhaps I will be gifted a sunset in return for my loyalty. Maybe I will just run out of gas.
But then, the sun can be so cruel before dusk- blinding those who love it with severely slanting light. And man-made heat fails to satisfy when your face to waist is overwarmed and toes go on neglected. And faster than I'd like this place is becoming less than the attraction it once was.


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